How to Enjoy the Wedding Planning Process

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How to ENJOY the wedding planning process

Here are 6 real-talk reminders to write on your hand.... like every day

  1. Put yourself first

    Self-love, sweetie.  

    Take time out of your planning schedule to go get a massage.

    To drink wine by yourself and watch cheesy RomComs. 

    To sit in nature and literally listen to the friggin’ birds chirp. 

    Taking care of yourself will scrape unnecessary stress from your cluttered mind.  If you are worried about your wedding during every minute of every day, then you will – without a doubt—go crazy. 

    Carve time blocks into your schedule to completely unplug from the wedding hoopla and enjoy time alone.  When you return to the planning process, you will feel a bit more refreshed and inspired! 

2. But not sooo first that you turn into a Bridezilla

There is a reason why there are no YouTube makeup tutorials for “Bridezilla glam” –  because it’s not a cute look on anyone.

So don’t be one. 

Yes, we know that this day is all about you, but it still involves real people with real emotions who are capable of getting REALLL annoyed with your princess attitude.  

At the end of the day, your temper tantrums add more stress to your own life than theirs. 

Make a mindful effort to show appreciation to your family, bridal party, and vendors.  This means verbally thanking them for their help and opinions.

PS: You told your bridesmaids that they could purchase any nude heels, so don’t get pissed when one of them buys a nude heel that is “too Vegas” for your liking.  Buy her new shoes, if that’s the case.  

3. Don’t compare your wedding to other weddings

Don’t try to completely replicate your best friend’s wedding decorations from last year. 

Or your sister in-law’s bridal hairstyle.  (Chances are, you have completely different hair types.  You are just setting yourself up for frizzy disappointment, honey.) 

Besides, no one likes a copycat. 

It’s okay to get inspo from weddings you’ve attended or weddings you see on Pinterest.  Duh, that’s how you plan a wedding.  

But do not – I repeat, do not – expect to mirror them exactly.  

For one, it sucks the fun and creativity out of the process!  But also, I promise that you won’t be able to copy everything the way you envision. 

Have an open mind and make your wedding YOUR own!   

4. Love your fiancé

I know we already discussed the bridezilla thing, but we are already circling back.  To drill it into your brain. 

This time, specifically concerning your fiancé.  

Of all people, they knows that you can be bitch.  And with the added stress of planning a wedding, it’s going to be easy for you to become a full-sized bitch.  


Don’t get pissy at them when they doesn’t have an opinion on what size cocktail napkins to purchase.  One, it does not matter even a little bit; two, you are interrupting their football game; and three, it does not matter even a little bit.

Use your engagement as a time to GROW your love for each other, so that by the time your wedding rolls around, you are so obsessed with your fiance that even your guests can sense your I-want-to-jump-down-their-pants-right-this-minute aura. 

5. Don’t sweat the small stuff

Speaking of the size of cocktail napkins, what other trivial things are you losing sleep over?  

I’m here to tell you that you don’t need to get your panties in a bunch over the tie that your father-in-law wants to wear. Or the font on your Save the Dates. Or capturing the perfect boomerang during your cake-tasting appointment.

It’s. Not. Worth. It. 

DO focus on the big picture – celebrating love.  That is literally all that matters in the end. <3 


6. Be confident in your decision-making

If you second-guess every decision you make, you are successfully doubling your stress.  

That vendor that you have been excited about since the day you met him, stay excited about him!  Don’t let his unenthusiastic text messages get under your skin. The dude probably just doesn’t like using emojis.  

And instead of focusing your attention on the 3 ‘mediocre’ reviews about your venue, focus on the countless ‘great’ reviews!  

We all have gut instinct, so go with it!  

Also, try to avoid constantly asking your wedding circle, “what do you think about ________?” 

It is inevitable that you will need lots of advice in your planning process, but don’t make a habit of needing affirmation on every little detail.  Learn to make your own decisions that YOU feel confident about.

(Pro tip: apply this method of decision-making in your everyday life – not just wedding planning.  You will notice less stress and more genuine contentment 😊)

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