Newlywed Discount Guide

    The time is finally here. Newlywed life! All that planning and preparation for the wedding has passed, the honeymoon is over, and now it is time to begin your married life together. Now is the time to open all your wedding gifts and write all your thank you notes. After all the wedding chaos has died down, you can start taking inventory of your loot and figuring out where the holes may lie. If you’re anything like me, I attempted to be as organized as possible when I made my registry but I didn’t really have a clue of what I needed until I was looking in the drawers trying to find a serving spoon or an extra dish towel.

What to do now? Well if you’re also like me, you like a good deal. I try to buy everything on sale if I can, even if it’s just a little bit extra off, every little bit helps. Macys almost always is running some kind of sale, a good one to note is the Friends & Family sale which usually happens twice a year, in the fall/winter (the rumor so far for this year is around November, at least that’s what I have heard! Shhh you didn’t hear it from me) and spring/summer (this year was in May I believe? This was an “extra” sale. The winter one is the main sale). Friends & Family is special because things that don’t normally go on sale are 25% off (even Kate Spade). I picked up a lot of the missing holes during the first sale and saved a lot of money, used the gift cards people gave us and they went even further, which is always a good feeling!

Another great tip is to check in with all the places you registered. Most companies now offer a newlywed discount for the first six months or so after your wedding. Just speaking from personal experience, Macy’s offers a 20% discount off of household items for the first six months. You cannot stack it with other coupons and offers (such as the Friends & Family sale) but you can use it on things that NEVER go on sale. I actually bought my blender using my newlywed discount, making it significantly cheaper than anywhere else. Another tip, wait for something to go on sale, then buy it with your newlywed discount. My blender was 40% off and then I was able to buy it with my newlywed discount and gift cards that were given to us, making it $0 out of pocket for us! Score.

Something else that is great about Macys is they offer a rebate program. If you open a Macys card when you fill out your registry and attach it to your registry (they can help you do that, make sure it’s done right, that’s the important step), then you start to earn a percentage back of every single gift purchased from your registry. I ended up with an almost $200 gift card for free! Make sure you scan your registry every single time you make a purchase at Macys, whether or not the item you’re buying is on there, it will count towards that rebate. Be careful though, the gift card will expire in 6 months but you can add the amount to any other gift card you had. We actually combined all of ours so we didn’t have to worry about them expiring or keeping track of multiple cards.

If you’re just now in the registering process, check in with the places you’re interested in and ask if they offer a newlywed or completion discount. Most companies don’t advertise it off the bat so it is always worth asking. We registered at Crate & Barrel, Bed Bath & Beyond, and Macys. All three offered us some kind of discount either in the form of a private shopping event or a discount card. Check out my registry tips blog post as well, a lot of companies offer free gifts for registering and receiving certain items however, they don’t automatically show up after you’ve completed the requirements. If you see that you are eligible for a gift, contact your store and see if you can speak to a registry manager. They should either fill out the paperwork for you or send you in the right direction, depending on what the company requires (I had to take a picture of my Keriug in my home for one of the requirements. Kind of funny!).

All in all, now is the time just to enjoy time together with your spouse. You only get to be newlyweds once! Relax and enjoy your time together. Hit up Black Friday if you want to score a deal on a TV or even a vacuum (I picked mine up on Prime Day!). There’s always a way to get a little bit of a deal, you just have to be patient and willing to look around a little bit. Happy shopping! Happy newlywed life! 


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Chris & Lauren's Nautical wedding at the Northwest Maritime Center in Port Townsend