How to Avoid Pinterest Overwhelm When Planning Your Wedding


You're engaged! The exciting moment you've long anticipated is finally here. Now comes the fun part - planning. Pinterest is a wonderful place to get ideas and inspiration! However, there's often so many ideas that you can quickly feel overwhelmed.

Here are 5 tips you can use to stay organized and get the most out of the app

1. Keep Separate Boards For Each Thing 

You will be bombarded with a million and one ideas! Your fingers may even start to go numb as you pin away for endless hours every chance you get. In a pinch, it's faster to pin it all to one 'Wedding' board.

However, in the long run you will be better of keeping things neatly organized into separate categories.

You can use these as a starting point:

color schemes & themes

centerpieces & bouquets


photo ideas (for those must have poses!)

cake & sweets


bride style

wedding party style


Also consider making a 'miscellaneous' board to pin things such as game ideas or the ultimate first dance songs. 

2. 'Clean Out' Your Boards On The Regular

You will be amazed at how quickly each of your wedding boards fill up! So to keep your ideas more manageable, go through each board weekly and delete the pins you're no longer interested in. As time goes on you will narrow in on what you want.

Other things to consider when deciding what to delete is this:

Does this idea work with my budget? Maybe in the beginning you thought you wanted a 10 tier 14k gold dusted wedding cake, or a group of singing parrots to serenade you during your first dance. Now, the reality of your budget is setting in.

Delete, delete, delete. Also consider when your wedding will be. If you initially pinned sunflower bouquets and now you're having a winter wedding you may need to delete and go in a new direction (or get fake flowers!).

3. Create an 'Absolute Must Haves!’ Board 

Remember how I told you to keep everything neatly separated? Well, I lied. Sort of.

Any time you see something you want to add to one of your wedding boards - if it's something you know you absolutely will do or want, then add it directly to this board. This will help you be able to see everything as a collection and if it meshes together or not. Which in turn, will also help you know what to delete! 

4. Pinterest Perfection vs. Reality

As you get lost in a world of perfection, and endless details - remember this.

Pinterest only shows the best of everything.

Like that bridal hairstyle you love - the model is probably wearing a good 20 pounds of hair extensions to get that kind of volume and another 20 pounds of hairspray to keep it in place!

So while it's great for inspiration and having your thoughts neatly organized in the palm of your hand - it can sometimes give brides unrealistic expectations of a Pinterest perfect wedding. Bear that in mind when choosing what to keep and what to delete. If something seems to good to be true - go with the simpler choice so you're less likely to be let down.

5. Know When to Say No

Silver flatware or gold?

Porcelain plates or plastic?

Should you invite your parents neighbors who used to babysit you, or save the seat for your aunt and uncle you haven't seen in two years?

So many decisions to make!

As you scroll through Pinterest you will see ideas for everything.

Is it cute to have your wedding hashtag printed onto your napkins? Yes!

Is it practical to incorporate every cute detail into your wedding? No.

Wedding planning involves a constant stream of decision making. Which is overwhelming. So try not to get caught up on saving every cute little pin you see. Or you will end up going over budget and going out of your mind.

And hey, if you are going to go over budget - please, skip out on the napkins and go for more cake. (And be sure to invite me - because I love cake). 

Wedding Planning Tips you’ll want to pin for later