Who pays for a Bridal Shower?

Alright, let's dive into the deliciously contentious topic of who's footing the bill for that pre-wedding shindig we call a bridal shower. Buckle up, folks, because this conversation is about to get as spicy as a Sriracha-infused margarita!

So, who's sliding that credit card across the table for all those avocado toast platters and artisanal mimosa stations? Well, traditionally, it's been the duty of the maid of honor or the bride's closest pals to whip out their wallets and treat the bride-to-be to a day of pampering and pre-wedding revelry. But hey, it's 2024, and traditions are as flexible as a yoga instructor on a gluten-free diet.

Let's break it down, shall we?

First up, the maid of honor.

This fabulous friend is like the MVP of the bridal party, tasked with organizing everything from the bachelorette bash to the tear-jerking toast at the reception. So, it's only fair that she takes the lead on showering the bride with love and gifts at the bridal shower, right? Well, maybe.

See, being the maid of honor isn't just about wearing a sparkly dress and perfecting your "Single Ladies" dance moves. It's a commitment, both emotionally and financially. And let's be real, planning a Pinterest-worthy bridal shower can cost more than a month's worth of cold-pressed juices. So, unless your maid of honor moonlights as a tech mogul or a cryptocurrency genius, it's probably best to cut her some slack and offer to chip in.

Maybe….The Bridal Party?

In this modern era of Instagram influencers and #SquadGoals, it's not uncommon for the entire bridal party to pool their resources and throw one epic, Instagram-worthy bash. Think bottomless brunches, flower crown workshops, and personalized cocktail mixology classes. It's like Coachella meets Martha Stewart, and everyone's invited!

Of course, there's always the option of going Dutch.

Yep, you heard me right. In the spirit of equality and financial responsibility, the bride and groom can also choose to foot the bill for their own bridal shower. After all, why should the burden fall solely on the bridal party's shoulders? Plus, it's a great way for the couple to have a say in the festivities and ensure that their shower reflects their unique style and personality.

But let's not forget about dear old Aunt Mildred and Grandma Ethel.

These wise matriarchs may not be up to speed on the latest TikTok trends, but they sure know a thing or two about etiquette. According to Miss Manners, it's perfectly acceptable for family members, particularly close relatives of the bride, to offer to host or contribute to the cost of the bridal shower. After all, family sticks together like glitter on a bridesmaid's dress.

So, there you have it, folks. When it comes to who pays for the bridal shower, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. It's a delicate dance of friendship, finance, and fabulousness. Whether it's the maid of honor, the entire bridal party, the happy couple themselves, or even dear old Aunt Mildred, what truly matters is showering the bride-to-be with love, laughter, and maybe just a hint of sarcasm. Cheers to that!

Kate Spade Inspired Bridal Shower Photos


Stacy & Ashley are graciously offering to rent this bridal shower decor set to any girl with a Kate Spade obsession.

For more information, check out snohomish rental co: www.snohomishrentalco.com


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