5 Unique Ways to Hide the Engagement Ring for Your Christmas Proposal

What better time to plan a marriage proposal than the holidays? Get inspired by these Christmas-themed ideas for where you can hide the engagement ring before you propose. Putting the ring somewhere unexpected will create a wonderful surprise that your partner will love. 

Include your pets!

🎄Tie the ring box to your dog’s collar.

🎄Ask a friend or family member to distract your partner at Christmas while you fasten the ring.

🎄Once you’re ready, have another friend call your dog over so your partner can see it

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Propose with an advent calendar — bonus points if it’s homemade

🎄Wrap 24 special gifts that can relate to your relationship.

🎄Share one each day with your S.O. as you countdown until Christmas.

🎄When they open the last box up, you can get down on one knee and ask for their hand in marriage.

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Put it in the Christmas tree

🎄Purchase a custom ornament that has “Will You Marry Me” engraved.

🎄Place the ring in an ornament. You can create your own or find one on Etsy.

🎄Hang the ring box on your Christmas tree.

🎄Make the ring itself the ornament. Tie the ring to a nice ribbon and place it in a spot where your partner can see it.

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Hide the ring box in their Christmas stocking

🎄Place the ring box at the bottom of their Christmas stocking.

🎄Make sure the stocking has other small gifts so that they will be shocked once they find the ring at the bottom.


Place it in a Christmas present box, inside another box, inside another box, etc…

🎄Place the ring box in several boxes of varying sizes.

🎄To remove any suspicions, add some weight so that the box isn’t too light.

🎄Opening so many boxes will build the excitement and fun for you and your partner!

Final advice

After the proposal, you’ll likely want to commemorate such a special moment with photos, so use an acne treatment the night before in case of pesky breakouts. Also be sure to treat your S.O. to a manicure the day before so that their hands are photo ready. Keep their preferences in mind when you’re planning the proposal. If they would like to have family and friends involved, you can share the special moment with everyone during your Christmas celebration. Finally, think about the love you two share and what will create a cheerful and unforgettable moment.